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I am an adopted daughter of God, through His grace and for His glory. I am an heir of heaven and a recipient of grace.


I am also very broken. 

My sister first introduced me to the art of kintsugi during a season of brokenness in my life. This traditional Japanese art uses gold or silver lacquer to bind broken pieces of ceramic or glass together - in the process it creates a stunning piece of art and makes the completed project stronger than it initially was. Every kintsugi piece is unique and created by first being broken, and then slowly, painstakingly, being put back together by a master artist. 


I think Kintsugi is a good way to illustrate life. God is the Master Artist, painstakingly breaking and then putting us back together to fashion His Church into His masterpiece. You and I are broken for a purpose. It isn’t a mistake. It isn’t something God wished He could control or something He didn’t see coming. He allows us to be broken, and He is putting us back together. His goodness shines through our weakness just like the gold on a kintsugi plate.

My hope is to encourage those who are being broken. I have no great eloquence or wisdom to share. All I have are a couple of ugly scars, held together with God’s grace. I pray you will find honesty and humility on this blog as I seek to share the ways God’s grace shines through the cracks and broken areas of my life. 

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